Blog access and update alerts

-‘Shaadi’ and all my other stories are now on this open blog which is accessible to everyone who wishes to read it, irrespective of whether you wish to comment or not. As always, silent readers are welcome!
– If you are on my IF buddy list, then you will receive PMs whenever  I post the update on the blog. You don’t need to do anything else in order to get the update alerts.
-If you are not on my buddy list, please follow this link to an exclusive Chat Club thread for all my readers. The main post on Page One has the link to the blog, and you are welcome to follow it there.

-If you wish to follow this blog, please click on the ‘follow’ button at the top left of the home page.

I will also tweet the update alert when the next chapter has been posted, so you can choose to follow me @patronus31.
Happy reading!

7 responses to “Blog access and update alerts

  1. Pingback: Maud Orndorff

  2. Hi I have read all your stories and really enjoyed them pls let me know if you start any new


  3. sujata

    I came across your writings, by chance, on IF and was very impressed with reading all that you have written so far. Please send me a PM when you start something new, I would love to read your fabulous work


  4. hailstorm464

    Hi I would like to follow your blog via email. I am a great fan of your work. Hope you start something new soon. Hail.


  5. hmmm i cud be a silent reader somtyms to a sick ff addict n a phsycotic stalker too n i don hav an IF account so u’ll hav to put up wid me here in wordpress !!! They did a terrible mistake in providin me an account here !!! So here comes kitty’s terrible maddness !! Beware u’ve been warned :p n im one bechara too ! Aquarius r always light hearted ppl !!! N carefree tooo !! So don mind my *flowery language* =p


Do let me know what you think...