ArHi Tales

A collection of one shot stories which are a unique take on Arnav, Khushi and iconic IPKKND scenes. 

9 responses to “ArHi Tales

  1. Kashika

    Hey…u r grt writer…I am silent reader but ur stories,creativity n mind blowing writing made me comment and appreciate u for ur hardwork…keep it up..may gob bless u

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Anonymous

    Hey…u r grt writer…I am silent reader but ur stories,creativity n mind blowing writing made me comment and appreciate u for ur hardwork…keep it up..may gob bless u


  3. hello hope you r doing well
    i have been an ardent fan of your work and have read every story atleast twice. wanted to know when will the one shot dhadkanein and the other one available to re read and re live and fall in love again with asr and khushi


  4. Sarun

    Hey i still can’t have access to your OSs. Or its not available yet ?


  5. thanks dear for sharing this link to everyone….
    now i m stuck to ss…slowly slowly i m reading ur work…u r a versatile writer…no doubt….for me u proved it that u r awesome writer after reading ur three stories scandalous secrets nd seduction….wow wow wow….

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Jani Faizal

    Hi.. I’m loving ur blog…it’s too bad u had to move out of the site that shall not be named (A Harry potter fan too, yay) but lovin it all the same… On a side note.. I can’t seem to access ur one shots.. Pls help if u can. Thanx.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. loved your new blog !!! So much more better thank the previous site that shall not be named ( wink ) All the best !! Looking fwd to share your SHAADI world 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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