
There’s just something about writing an Arnav-Khushi story that is so addictive, I’ve just discovered that I can’t keep myself away for too long!
So here I am with another SS, and this one is a story that recently popped into my head. It wouldn’t let me rest until I penned it down, and I really hope you like it !
And just in case you’re wondering, yes, this one will have cliffhangers too. I just can’t help myself!

5 responses to “Scandalous

  1. srirupasen

    Have been following your blog for some time, but have just got the courage to comment . Love your writing, every story has a different story line which makes reading your work anadventure. Hope you continue writing


  2. How I became anonymous. Blog tech challenged moi


  3. Anonymous

    Even I have reached.
    Juhi, u manage to create a magic spell in the first chapter itself.
    Blog name is so apt.


  4. Roshni

    Waiting for new update… 😉


  5. mimi1967

    Absolutely love the clear concise lines of your blog, am just so excited at having all of your work in one place. One can never tire of reading and then re-reading your work. Hope you to continue to spellbound us with your creativity for many years…..


    Ladyr -IF username

    Liked by 1 person

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