
My original intention was to take a break from writing an SS  since my asli duniya is ridiculously busy at the moment.

But then this story planted itself into my head, and just wouldn’t leave me alone. What was I supposed to do?

My solution was to start typing it out slowly until I had a significant portion written out, and now I’m finally ready to post this after days of writing.



The Story:

This story is completely different from my recent works.

‘Seduction’  is going to be a story that belongs to a different genre and concept, completely dissimilar to anything I’ve written before.

While I can’t reveal much at the moment, I can assure you that one thing hasn’t changed: the promise of a whole lot of ArHi and a happy ending, just like my other stories.

I do hope that promise encourages you to stay with me as we begin a new journey into the lives of a new Arnav and Khushi, set in an alternate universe!




The Cliffhangers:

I’ve fallen in love with those, and every chapter will end with one. You’ve been duly warned!




The  Updates:

This story will have a prologue, plus ten chapters and an epilogue.




4 responses to “Seduction

  1. Hey there! I don’t know if you still check this blog or not but still thought of dropping a comment. I just watched a movie called Age of Adaline and it reminded me so much of your story that I had to tell you about it. I guess I enjoyed the movie a bit more than I otherwise would have simply because it kept reminding me of this wonderful story of yours 🙂


  2. What an amazing story… must say more intriguing and mysterious than many mysteries i have read or watched in my life.. thank you so much Juhi . I hope all is well with you as i have not seen you active in recent years


  3. shwetha55

    I really liked ur story seduction cant stop till i completely finished reading it . Is soo good i loved it so much

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Gracias por esto, la verdad que es bueno conseguir cosas asi, ahora mismo iniciaré un proyecto bastante relacionado con este tema.


Do let me know what you think...