
Hello again!

Welcome to a whole new story, one that is entirely the result of a challenge I accepted.

This ArHi SS ‘Shaadi’  was born when one of my friends asked me if I could write something that did not involve a mysterious past and cliffhangers. She wanted to see if I could manage to capture and retain interest without creating the aura of mystery that has been prevalent in all my stories so far.

So here I am with one such story, and writing this makes me so very nervous!

The characters of Arnav and Khushi will be similar in some ways, yet very different from the show. And there will be a few, tiny secrets throughout, but nothing earth-shattering!

 Writing this was an indulgence for me, and  I invite you to join me and indulge yourself in yet another tale of our favorite couple!

The Updates and alerts:

Asli duniya is being very unkind these days. And I will be in India until April on vacation. 

This leaves me with very little time to write, and so there will be only one mid-week update of this ten-part SS. I do hope to see you here every Tuesday/Wednesday!

PMs will be sent out to all the readers on my IF buddy list on the day following the update.

If you are a new reader, please add  me to your buddy list and you will receive PMs when I update.

As always, these PMs will be sent irrespective of whether you chose to silently read/ like/ comment.

You can also follow me on Twitter @patronus31 for update alerts, or follow this blog for email alerts.

I do hope that you will join me on this journey!



18 responses to “Shaadi

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  3. had read your ff years back glad to see this blog will star soon with shaadi again


  4. Anonymous



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  6. nice content shaadi is best way to life .


  7. mekhala

    Oh thank god i found you!! .. I have been a silent reader and admirer of your stories for quite sometime now .. i dont really get india-forums (god knows that websiite needs some sorting out cuz its.confusing as hell) .. anyway .. i somehow stumbled upon your note that you will be shifting your stories elsewhere and panicked .. you see i generally have a habit of starting fics only after they have been completed .. cant take the wait for an update .. So when i read your post and just could not locate the link to this blog, i sorta panicked .. anyway nw that i have found you (yay google) i just WILL have to read shaadi even if its not finished yet … i hooe that you do complete soon .. much thanks!! …


  8. mklam

    Blog looks great. As I follow Shaadi I will also catch up with your other stories.


  9. Chinmayi

    Hearty congratulations on the new blog…will as always eagerly follow this one too


  10. Congratulations to this wonderful blog! Waiting for the next update

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Gullam

    Congrats i love this story so much.. Waiting for next update:-)

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Sangs49

    Great, good to see the blog up. Wanting for next chapter!

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Parimaap

    Waiting for the story

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Congratulations on the blog… im already loving it 🙂
    easier to find stories and read it again 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Congrats 4 the new blog my frnd. I cann’t my post my comment in IF because of some error, this blog will surely help me to share my thoughts about ur stories. Waiting for next chapter.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Anonymous

    Can’t wait to read the story here.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. Hi. I am here. Congratulations. All the best . waiting for chapter 4 eagerly.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. bablubli

    Hi J, I saw your post on IF about moving your work out into a blog. I am completely in agreement with this move. We readers are only too happy to be able to follow your bring it on! I like this theme but would love a colorful theme for the Shaadi story…which by the way is a stunning piece of writing! You are one amazing writer! I will have more comments later. I saw the blog & couldn’t resist leaving a comment.
    Great job with these stories…have fun writing & we will have fun reading them…
    Love you!

    Liked by 1 person

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